Wednesday 5 January 2011

Music Video Research - Jamie T

These are some videos we feel represent or link to the video we wish to create ourselves for the song 'I'm In Love'. Some of these music videos have elements in them of which we are hoping to include in our final video.

1. Jamie T - Sheila:

When we first heard our song, our initial idea was “a guy who is on his journey home to his girlfriend/wife/fiancĂ©. We had originally planned to have our main character walking down a looooooongggggg road on his own or with his dog; however, we decided that this was ‘playing it safe’. Like ‘Sheila’ we too have resulted in using Southbank as our long path for our video. In addition to this, we came to the conclusion that the lights on the trees would make a really romantic setting, even though the ‘Main Man’ is making the journey by his self.


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